

Please refer to the home page for further details regarding the following: 

  • From Monday 30th September we will no longer be accepting GP bookings at the reception desk in Bangor or Holywood. Our telephone lines will open from 8:30am and and the front doors at both premises will open at 9am for general enquiries & treatment room appointment's.

  • The practice will be closed on Thursday 28th November from 12:45pm - 6:00pm for practice based learning.

Patient Announcement

Friday 21st February 2025

The practice is now in the process of transitioning to a new clinical system EMIS Web and this installation requires some downtime to complete. From Friday 21st February - Wednesday 26th February 2025 the GPs will be in a position to deal only with urgent calls that require same day medical attention.  

Please note as a result of this migration to a new clinical system we have had to disable our online services and also our repeat prescription voicemail account. Our repeat prescription line will re-open on Tuesday 25th February and for those patients that are registered for online services you will have access restored within two weeks. 

Should you urgently require a repeat prescription during this time frame please contact our general enquires line on 02890-394545 and press option 2 and a member of the medical receptionist team will be happy to help. 

We thank you in advance for your understanding and co-operation. 

Upcoming Changes to Priory GP Practice CIC Telephone Services

Notice to all Patients:

From Monday 10th February we will be amending the times our telephone lines are operational to align with key times of demand.

What does this mean?

Our lines will continue to open at 8.30am to 10am (subject to appointment availability) for same day appointments. Our admin team will take details of your ailment and pass to the triage GP for review.

From 10am – 11.30am our lines will open for all general enquiries.

Lines will re-open from 2pm – 5.30pm for all general enquiries.

For urgent end of life and palliative care needs please contact the practice any time between 8.30am – 6pm.

Why are we making this change?

The practice have reviewed call volumes throughout the day and identified peak times when lines are at their busiest. This new approach will allow the team to answer your calls in a timelier fashion.

Why can I never get through in the morning? Its always engaged:

Our telephone lines are capped at a maximum of 20 in the queue. This is to help us manage wait times and ensure that patients don’t hold for an excessive amount of time, only to be advised we are at capacity. If you are met with an engaged tone, this does not mean we are at capacity.

In the first 3 weeks of January, the Practice had appointments available until 10am each day on average. It is not always necessary to call at 8.30am to get a same day appointment.

How are we communicating this message to patients?

We are sharing information on Facebook, our Website, prescription slips, telephony messages, email and interactions with staff.


On-Call Service on Wednesday afternoons


Notice to all patients:


From Wednesday 12th February Priory GP Practice will migrate to an on call service on Wednesday afternoons.


What does this mean?


The Practice sites will not be accessible to patients. Telephone lines will continue to be manned for patients who require urgent medical attention. The repeat prescription line will be available as usual.


Why are we doing this?


On call afternoons are common across General Practice. It allows practices to provide training to our clinical staff, allowing for an increase in the services we can offer. It also provides our team with an opportunity to complete some of the additional administrative duties.


How is this being communicated to patients?


We are sharing information on Facebook, our Website, prescription slips, telephony messages, email and interactions with staff.



Care Navigation: 

Did you know that Care Navigation uses signposting to help patients receive the Right Care from the right professional at the right time?

This may include seeing our: Physiotherapy team, Social worker, treatment room nurse, being directed under the NI PEARS scheme to the Optician, District Nursing or our Practice Pharmacist.

For all other general queries including treatment room appointments and test results please call the surgery between the hours of 9:30am-12:45pm and from 1:45pm-6:00pm

This will ensure that patients requiring immediate medical attention can be seen.

Repeat Prescriptions

From Monday 14th October our repeat prescription telephone service will operate from 8:00am - 8:00pm Monday - Friday

DID YOU KNOW the quickest way to order your repeat prescription is through our online services. Please ask a member of the team for a registration form and list of repeat medications.

Zero Tolerance

Please also note that our reception teams are dedicated and hard working.  It is not acceptable to be abusive or violent towards any member of staff in the practice either verbally or physically.

The practice has a Zero Tolerance policy and unwanted behaviour shown towards our staff could result in the removal from our practice register.  

Thank you for your co-operation at this very busy time of the year. 

Priory C.I.C 

(Site updated 21/02/2025)
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