Ordering Repeat Prescriptions
For Repeat Prescriptions, please call 028 9039 4542 instead of the main reception number.
From 1st September 2023 the repeat prescription telephone line will be open Monday - Friday, 08:00 am - 8:00 pm. please allow 72 working hours (this excludes weekends, bank holiday closures and closures for staff training for your prescription to be with your nominated pharmacy.
Please click the icon below to download an online registration form for ordering prescriptions online.
You can also collect a registration form in person at both surgeries.
Once you have completed the form, please return it by placing it in the repeat prescription boxes, located at the entries to both Priory and Springhill Surgery, with a copy of your photo ID, or speak with the receptionist who will verify your ID.
Once we have received your form, will receive an email with further instructions.
You can then register for the service by clicking below:
Patient Online Services
You can also leave in a written request for a repeat prescription.
Please place these in the repeat prescription boxes.